Ankubu - RX_71_0

Ankubu RX_71_0 

Releasedate 1.9.2022 on all major platforms and our Bandcamp


Have you ever dreamed of watching a particle collider in reverse slow motion, observing how the particles gravitate back into structure in perfect trajectories?. Leaving the distinct impression these particles were guided by a cold and calculating intellect moving these particles with both temper and control. Leaving the listener with the notion this is how it works, this is how it is meant to be.  

The narrative is dense, at times unfolds in frightening spaces and abstractions full of explosive surprises, only to break down obstacles and threats and put a beautiful stellar surface on display. 

The artisan work of putting this narrative together is done by label newcomer Ankubu, and we welcome his talent wholeheartedly.




ANKUBU - RX_71_0 


1_[ Momentum ] - (02:25) 
2_Flare Sign / Engage - (05:56) 
3_Scission - (04:08)
4_Wish / Hurt - (05:42) 
5_Emissary / Receiver - (05:25) 
6_[ Ignite ] - (03:40)
7_Dream Merge - (05:20) 
8_Miss / Detach - (07:17)
9_[ Extract ] - (02:32) 


Produced by Ankubu.
Mixed by Marco Verardo (YourOhm Studio) Mastered by Tommaso Benedetto (YourOhm Studio) Artwork: Ankubu / Alex Ortiga
Subtrakt, 2022
SUBT 23.5 


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{ force://erasure//extraction } RX_71_0 

Mads Lindgren